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Late Winter is the time to sit back and review your garden pictures

or just look outside your winter scape from your warm cozy chair and plan the changes for the coming year.

While the plants have gone dormant till they emerge this spring many traditional plants leave your garden looking bleak in the winter.

As your garden coach, it has always been my intent on planning landscapes for all season interest.

While it is easy to provide textures and colors in the mildest seasons, it takes some planning to have an interesting winter landscape. It most definitely can be achieved when redesigning your new garden.

Some homeowners like a carefree cottage style garden, however, an English style garden with evergreens shrubs and smaller select trees can add winter interest with textures and deciduous shapes. It is worth noting that planning each homeowner’s garden takes personal interest in collecting careful visions of colors and plant care for each owner.

  • One of the first questions I explore in my consultations are, how involved do you want to be in maintaining your garden?

  • The answer to that question lays the foundation for many decisions on designing landscape spaces for each homeowner.

  • Whether you have a stand-alone property or live in a condo, some type of maintenance must be considered to have eye appealing gardens.

  • Like redesigning an interior room ,all colors and textures need to feel appealing to all homeowners.

  • Personal appeal for the whimsy, formal or a woodland look is all apart of transforming your style into outdoor spaces, that appeals to your senses and taste in outdoor living areas.

  • So, I listen carefully and make sure each person has their priorities listed for the new outdoor space. Then we design concepts that everyone can agree upon

  • Basically, this is a strong brainstorming session on everyone's ideas for change. I find time spent together brings everyone’s ideas together

  • We discuss shapes, sizes of trees and shrubs, elements of color, privacy, viewing gardens, curb appeal entrances, planning outdoor rooms for guests or edible gardens.

  • The most important part of any garden consultation is my ability to coach the homeowners on a design that fits all the needs within their budget.

As always you can trust in our team and letting Tellus guide you through your garden. Start yourself a list of your favorites and let us know thru an email .Then go to the for in person services in Mass. and S. New Hampshire








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